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شيخ المندي
Others - Filler

Miscellaneous items on 4Sale

Here’s a collection of everything on 4Sale that you’re not able to find in other categories.

  • Donations
  • Lost & Found
  • Qerqean
  • Stickers
  • Tickets
  • Wholesale
  • Other Miscellaneous


We’re always here to help

How can I find something in Others?

It’s easy to find anything you need, simply browse the category and use filters if you have something specific you’re looking for. Alternatively, use our search function to find listings that match your needs.

How can I sell in Others?

Selling anything on 4Sale is easy. If you want to sell an item in Miscellaneous / Others, just follow these easy steps:

  • 1- First of all you need to register if you haven’t already.

  • 2- Go to the listing page by clicking on Post Ad

  • 3- Choose Miscellaneous / Others, then the type of item you’re selling

  • 4- Add eye-catching photos, the title, description, specifications, the price and pick the district, area, and block from the drop-down.

  • 5- Choose to show your contact number or not and add an additional number if you’d like to.

  • 6- Choose add-ons to ensure your Ad is seen by even more people

We're Always Here to Help

Reach out to us through any of these support channels

+965 1844474